We all heard that term. Back in the past I associated it with meditation, which wasn't interesting to me.
But I kept on hearing that word many times and did not notice that I have been practicing for years!
Every time when I went out shooting I have being present without knowing it.
We all have thoughts all day. Around 60.000 thoughts in one day!
And mostly those thoughts are about yesterday and tomorrow. And we are not aware of it!
When I go out taking pictures my mind is blank. I do not think about yesterday nor tomorrow.
I am being present. And it is intense. Also I feel more relaxed and happier during and after taking pictures.
Focusing your whole attention in the moment is intense!
How many people are walking around like zombies every day? Being with there thoughts somewhere else?
We are not experiencing the present! The past and the future does not exist! But still we are so occupied with it.
How can you experience the present without meditation? Easy! Right where you are look for things which are red.
Keep on looking. You will suddenly see so many red things! Try it!
Or are you to occupied with your thoughts about "time" which does not exist?
Try it! How did it feel to be present? Did you think about yesterday or tomorrow?