Except if you are in a jury…..
I was invited to be part of a jury of a talent show in Jalostotitlan, Mexiko.
What an experience!
Before I only knew being on the other side of the table, as an actor.
It was a challenge.
What impressed me more than talent was:
- confidence! sometimes younger people where more confident!
- being in the moment, something so rare, but beautiful to watch.
- and the passion, the joy someone had doing their presentation
- plus how they made you feel! It could be that someone played something,
with mistakes, but they made you feel!
Those attributes counted more in my judgment, than talent.
It’s not only about talent!
A new experience for me. I believe there are other areas in life where we put too much attention and neglect the other things.
You can be entertaining and enjoyable to watch with little talent.
And you can be boring even though you have talent.
Be confident, be in the moment, make others feel. Enjoy yourself!