Mission Possible

In Bern, Switzerland is one of the biggest and most important book stores in Switzerland: “Stauffacher”.

Just a few steps away from the “Happy Fountains”.
Since over 10 years I have been coming to that store looking at photo books.
I was new to photography when I discovered the fountains and that book store.
They are part of my journey, spending many hours at both places. In the book store I used to fantasize to have one day my book in that store as well. It was more like a day dream. I did not believe it would be possible.

But it is!

Now officially my new book “Happy Fountains” is in the book store “Stauffacher” ready to be taken home.

No matter how big your dream is. Don’t underestimate yourself!

Mission Possible.

"Life is short, so there is no reason why you shou...