“Being fully present is the best guarantee for a bright future.”


  613 Hits


Next time when you go to downtown of your city: switch off your phone!

"WHAT????? Are you crazy? No phone?"
Horrible thought, right?
Try it, just 20 minutes. Can you do that?
And observe. How many people are on their phones?
F...ing everybody! Slavery does still exists.
Far from being present and enjoying the moment.
What a waste of valuable life time. WASTE!
And it already starts in the morning.
First thing people do when they are slowly waking up: phone.
What is the last thing people do before falling asleep?
Of course a phone is a necessary tool and it is great for communication.
But all day - from start to finish?
You know what inspired me to write that article?
I went through my photos I shot in Zurich, Switzerland.
ALMOST in all of them people where on their phone!
I am one of the zombies, too.
If I am not with my camera, I am a zombie, too.
I am human being not a zombie.
I want to experience the present.
You know how.

  1211 Hits